Welcome To the Roaring Ellie

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

By the Roaring Ellie | October 6, 2024
For the past few months, I have received daily requests for money. The Trump campaign asks (typically) for $10. These...

Sign on the Dotted Line

By the Roaring Ellie | September 26, 2024
This is nothing new, but I have just reached my breaking point with electronic signature pads. I grew up learning...

Happy Anniversary Grampa John

By the Roaring Ellie | September 25, 2024
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show years ago. She described how (in real...

The Two Percent

By the Roaring Ellie | September 5, 2024
My birthday was this past weekend. It’s my favorite time of year on Facebook, largely because I hear from all...

Cancel Culture

By the Roaring Ellie | August 25, 2024
Ben Franklin – Insurance Pioneer Although the idea of insurance has existed for thousands of years and dates all the...

My Ode to Phil

By the Roaring Ellie | August 20, 2024
I cannot recall the exact time I began watching the Phil Donahue show, but it was sometime in the 70’s....

To Be or Not to Be – Indivisible?

By the Roaring Ellie | August 5, 2024
Indivisible is defined as unable to be divided or separated. In this piece, it denotes that which appears in our...

Look Who’s Talking

By the Roaring Ellie | August 4, 2024
Over the years, I have found it curious that public servants earning two hundred thousand dollars per year (or less)...

Bait and Switch

By the Roaring Ellie | August 2, 2024
Spanning the Globe bringing you the constant variety of sports.  The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The...

The Last (supper) Straw

By the Roaring Ellie | July 31, 2024
  ·  Whether a loyal fan or an occasional watcher, the Olympics is a draw for all viewers around the world....

Throwing Good Money After Bad

By the Roaring Ellie | July 28, 2024
This morning, I looked up a history of voting in the United States. This is what I found: 1776 –...


By the Roaring Ellie | July 27, 2024
I wrote this the morning after watching Dirty Pop: The Boy Band Scam. The last time our great nation was...

I’m Stepping Out

By the Roaring Ellie | July 22, 2024
Biden stepping aside leaves me completely at a loss for reasons other than you might think. He has emphasized over...

The Obi-Wan Scenario

By the Roaring Ellie | July 21, 2024
In 1977, a film titled Star Wars emerged in movie theatres across the United States. At that time, I found...

Just Dew It!

By the Roaring Ellie | July 14, 2024
Over a decade ago, I worked in the BP Gulf Oil Spill. I held several different positions over the two-...

The Devil is in the Details

By the Roaring Ellie | July 11, 2024
Every four years the United States holds an election for the position of president of the United States. As I...

Respect the Position

By the Roaring Ellie | July 10, 2024
More times than I care to admit, I was given a pep talk at work regarding my attitude. I was...

Let’s Get Physical

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
I watched the interview of President Biden last evening.  George Stephanopoulos was very careful to always remain respectful in his...

Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
Tonight at 8:00 pm EST a pre-recorded interview of Joe Biden with George Stephanopoulos will aire.  This is to be...

Project 2025

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
After a recent post under my personal page in response to the debate and future elections, I decided to find...

Katie Couric on Kamala Harris

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
Couric later posited that anyone but Kamala Harris could cause a deeper schism in the party.  Citing a recent New York...

The Debate AFTER the Debate

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
For most of my life, I have chosen to follow my gut rather than either what I was told or...

The Guaranteed Student Loan

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2024
I devoted a substantial portion of my working life meeting the needs of a Fortune 500 company. Reaching a point...

Where There’s a Will….There’s a Way

By the Roaring Ellie | March 30, 2022
Just what you wanted and/or needed this morning; another witness to Sunday night’s unexpected altercation between Chris Rock and Will...

The Tipping Point

By the Roaring Ellie | March 2, 2022
In days leading up to February 24th, snippets became full fledged warnings of Russian troops scaling up targeting key cities...

To Vax or Not to Vax? That is the Question

By the Roaring Ellie | January 16, 2022
A close up of a man holding his blank COVID-19 vaccination card in his hand. Photographed with a very shallow...

The 21 Gun Salute

By the Roaring Ellie | January 15, 2022
My mother came to live with me in 2015.  While in reasonably good health for her advanced years, mom has...

46 – First and Ten on the Twenty

By the Roaring Ellie | January 21, 2021
Deprogram the Deplorables The first big news I heard yesterday was that Katie Couric thinks Trump supporters need to be...

Making Census

By the Roaring Ellie | January 13, 2021
For the duration of my life, I have known about the presence of the KKK.  Are all white people supremacists? ...


By the Roaring Ellie | January 8, 2021
The posts on my page, friends’ pages and others are presenting a wide array of opinions as to the events...

Divided We Fall

By the Roaring Ellie | January 7, 2021
I would like all those who read this to do something. Republicans:  Look through your friends, coworkers, acquaintances and tell...

The Power of Advertising

By the Roaring Ellie | December 26, 2020
The early 90’s saw a trend which became known to many as “empower yourself”.  It stemmed, largely, from corporation’s desire...

The Great Pretenders

By the Roaring Ellie | December 15, 2020
Facebook began many years ago and while I did not jump on the bandwagon at the very start, I did...

The Public Servant’s Silver Platter

By the Roaring Ellie | December 13, 2020
The year 2020 is coming to a close and dare any of us imagine that so much of it would...

Better for Who?

By the Roaring Ellie | November 19, 2020
Ask any senior citizen about his/her prescription medication needs and you will be presented with a list of monthly medicines...

This is Only a Test

By the Roaring Ellie | November 18, 2020
I read an article today about testing being done on children for the COVID vaccine.  A portion of that article...

Rock On

By the Roaring Ellie | November 18, 2020
Rarely do I allow my gas tank to go below ¼ but it happened.  I had a trip to Huntsville...

You Say You Want a Revolution

By the Roaring Ellie | November 16, 2020
Not a moment has passed in 8 months that COVID-19 has not been front and center in the news.  What...


By the Roaring Ellie | November 15, 2020
But if this election is to have lasting meaning, we cannot see a Biden campaign victory as license to cast...

Duck, Duck, Donkey

By the Roaring Ellie | November 5, 2020
Years ago I was employed by a fortune 500 company.  Shortly after my initial employment I received training regarding taking...

God Bless America

By the Roaring Ellie | October 18, 2020
It doesn’t take very long to trace back the “where did he/she go wrong” when you meet someone whose life...

ZERO Discrimination

By the Roaring Ellie | October 16, 2020
Whether or not you are a member of the LGTBQ community, one thing that can be appreciated is everyone’s basic...

I’m Outta Here!!!

By the Roaring Ellie | October 16, 2020
We have heard this all before; and there appears to be a list of celebrities who have vowed to leave...

Everybody Loves a Winner

By the Roaring Ellie | August 21, 2020
I read an article about the psychology behind winning today.  The link to that article is here:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pride-and-joy/201209/winning-and-losing  I encourage...

The Concensus

By the Roaring Ellie | August 2, 2020
For all those people who are talking about mail in ballots … Chew on this for a bit. Before COVID,...

2020 Vision

By the Roaring Ellie | July 23, 2020
As we have breezed over the halfway mark of 2020, I’d like to take a moment to recap exactly what...

Don’t You Get Me?

By the Roaring Ellie | July 18, 2020
One of the biggest things that attracted me to my husband was, he got me.  He didn’t necessarily agree with...

Take a Seat

By the Roaring Ellie | July 12, 2020
There was a question posed yesterday on Facebook and while not directly posed to me, I thought I would provide...

Ain’t That a Kick in the Head

By the Roaring Ellie | July 11, 2020
Just yesterday, I witnessed several fight videos circulating on social media.  They aren't anything like what I have seen before....


By the Roaring Ellie | July 11, 2020
I begin this piece by stating openly that I have never once consumed any Goya product.  I have nothing against...

Shock and Awe

By the Roaring Ellie | July 9, 2020
As I have aged into what can only be described as my senior years, I have found myself astonished at...

Who Cares?

By the Roaring Ellie | July 7, 2020
Since the beginning of the year, the American public has been inundated with what can only be referred to as...

Carry That Weight

By the Roaring Ellie | June 25, 2020
Every generation that comes into its own does so with the belief that the preceeding generations did not quite know...

The Eve of Construction

By the Roaring Ellie | June 24, 2020
It is impossible to watch, read or hear the news about the larger cities in the United States and wonder...

I Can’t Believe My Ears!!!

By the Roaring Ellie | June 24, 2020
Many years ago Bobby and I had a saltwater fish and custom aquarium shop.  We enjoyed the hobby and decided...

The Upside of the Downside

By the Roaring Ellie | June 23, 2020
With a plethora of political posts (say that three times fast) that I find on Facebook, one thing has really...

The Man in the Mirror

By the Roaring Ellie | June 20, 2020
While engaged in a discussion on Facebook concerning current events, one comment was made directed at me by someone I...

Go-Don’t Go

By the Roaring Ellie | June 9, 2020
The day I was informed I had cancer, I had just left the dentist’s office in Tampa.  I was down...

The Ripple Effect

By the Roaring Ellie | June 8, 2020
The Corona Virus demanded many abrupt changes to our lives.  Many of us were told to shelter in place keeping...

I’m a Survivor!

By the Roaring Ellie | June 7, 2020
In April of 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  To say I was completely surprised would be an understatement. ...

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way

By the Roaring Ellie | June 5, 2020
This morning, I read that Obama called on young activists to "make people in power uncomfortable."  My first thought after...

Ask Yourself

By the Roaring Ellie | June 4, 2020
In the last few years, usually towards the end, I have made a promise to myself that I would not...

Aiding and Abetting

By the Roaring Ellie | June 3, 2020
Yesterday’s blog was not intended to be a two-parter, but here we are.  I found myself dwelling on Hollywood and...

More Money Than Sense

By the Roaring Ellie | June 2, 2020
In the most recent twist to what appears to be a never ending saga gone wrong, Hollywood elites are now...

Be Careful What You Wish For

By the Roaring Ellie | June 1, 2020
The big tagline that was thrown around at the beginning of the COVID-19 shut down was, “We’re all in this...

Where’s the Cavalry?

By the Roaring Ellie | May 31, 2020
Cavalry (“an army component mounted on horseback”) comes from the Italian word cavalleria, which may mean either “cavalry” or “chivalry.” (Merriam-webster,...

#George Floyd

By the Roaring Ellie | May 30, 2020
During my working time at BP, I began as a clerk but soon moved my way into serving as a...

MOB Mentality

By the Roaring Ellie | May 29, 2020
For less than one year, I attended the University of South Florida in Tampa.  What ended my enrollment with that...

To Err is Human … To Forgive Devine

By the Roaring Ellie | May 25, 2020
I read an article this morning online.  This is a portion of that article: One of the sons of murdered...

Opportunity Knocks

By the Roaring Ellie | May 24, 2020
This morning on television I saw an advertisement created in response to COVID-19 by Frito Lay.  It began with, in...

Cast Your Vote

By the Roaring Ellie | May 17, 2020
It is the end of the school year although it doesn’t much feel like it.  For most, school came to...

The Spark of Passion

By the Roaring Ellie | May 17, 2020
My life began in a five-story apartment building in the Bronx.  It was the only (in my recollection) building in...

How Do We Get to the Other Side?

By the Roaring Ellie | May 17, 2020
If you ask 50 people who know me (or think they do) about me, you will get a variety of...

Tough Shit!

By the Roaring Ellie | May 9, 2020
I ventured out to WalMart today to do some much needed grocery shopping.  After spending the better part of 45...


By the Roaring Ellie | May 9, 2020
When I worked for a Fortune 500 company, I was trained to speak publicly for training purposes and announcements.  In...

Come Together

By the Roaring Ellie | May 3, 2020
Don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) was the official United States policy on military service by gays, bisexuals, and lesbians, instituted by...


By the Roaring Ellie | April 29, 2020
This morning, I watched a broadcast of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo holds a briefing at the State Department on...


By the Roaring Ellie | April 25, 2020
When I was a child, my mother used to play a game with me.  We would keep our eyes open...

Who Are You?

By the Roaring Ellie | April 24, 2020
The day before yesterday I received a phone call from a doctor’s office in Tampa, Florida.  The call went like...

In or Out?

By the Roaring Ellie | April 22, 2020
With so much conflict amongst people in different parts of the country regarding the opening back up of America, I...

Charity Begins at Home

By the Roaring Ellie | April 21, 2020
With our economy resembling the aftermath of that brutal fight between Marvin Hagler and Tommy Hearns for the Middleweight Championship...

Wanna Buy a Bridge?

By the Roaring Ellie | April 20, 2020
Wanna Buy a Bridge? From time to time, I receive email advertisements regarding coupon discounts that have come to be...

Let Me OUT!!!!

By the Roaring Ellie | April 19, 2020
As the weather becomes nicer and the stress of isolation becomes increasingly more prevalent, people are showing their frustrations from...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By the Roaring Ellie | April 19, 2020
As a young child, many of us were introduced to sports; in particular – team sports.  We had a coach...

The Missing Piece

By the Roaring Ellie | April 19, 2020
After many years in the workforce as an Administrative Assistant, I earned my degree and began working as a Project...

Tit for Tat

By the Roaring Ellie | April 18, 2020
While entering the post office the other day, I noticed an elderly woman leaving.  She was wearing shorts and a...

Get Off of My Cloud

By the Roaring Ellie | April 17, 2020
My grandson attends the local high school.  Since being out because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has had to complete...

It’s All About Who You Know

By the Roaring Ellie | April 17, 2020
This afternoon on my newsfeed, I learned of the death of actor, Brian Dennehy.  He was an all-time favorite of...

I’m Telling…

By the Roaring Ellie | April 16, 2020
One of the first lessons children are taught is the distinction between right and wrong.  It takes a while.  It...

Who’s to Blame?

By the Roaring Ellie | April 15, 2020
My curiosity has been peaked about so much these last few weeks.  Of late it is the debate regarding who...

Buy Partisan

By the Roaring Ellie | April 14, 2020
Your letter, or rather solicitation, arrived in our mailbox yesterday evening.  Your personal note on the envelope “XXXX, someone had...

If You Snooze, You Lose

By the Roaring Ellie | April 7, 2020
Much discussion has been centered around what can be done to combat COVID-19.  Hydroxychloroquine has been found to have significant...


By the Roaring Ellie | April 6, 2020
For most of our lives, we give our attention to those who grab it; Athletes who defy normal physical capabilities...

Are You Wearing Protection?

By the Roaring Ellie | April 5, 2020
Since there has been much ado about “protection” during the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought I would put together some information...


By the Roaring Ellie | April 5, 2020
In the midst of all the angst; all the inconvenience of staying at home – standing on lines 6 feet...

Pull the Curtain

By the Roaring Ellie | April 4, 2020
The week of March 16th, schools in the State of Alabama began suspending classes due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  We...

God is in Control

By the Roaring Ellie | March 31, 2020
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of the word “hobby” is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially...

Time Out

By the Roaring Ellie | March 30, 2020
The world has become a crazy place.  I can say with assurance I have heard that statement at least once...

Share and Share Alike

By the Roaring Ellie | March 29, 2020
When I was in Senior year of high school, mid-year, I moved to Tampa, Florida.  I went from attending a...

Finger Pointing

By the Roaring Ellie | March 28, 2020
While searching around the web, I found a USA today article regarding the Coronavirus: At least eight strains of the coronavirus are...

Last Call

By the Roaring Ellie | March 24, 2020
Death doesn’t take prisoners.  It comes for everyone.  Death ignores finances, schedules, athletic ability, popularity, and even age.  It enters...

What Are You Broadcasting?

By the Roaring Ellie | March 15, 2020
During a small gathering of friends last evening (4 people), an interesting discussion broke out about hope.   I thought I...

Don’t Panic

By the Roaring Ellie | March 14, 2020
In the past two weeks, I have seen post after post advising (pleading) with people to listen to this one...

A Roaring Ellie Public Service Announcement

By the Roaring Ellie | February 28, 2020
Since 2014, my mother has been in my care.  Early on in 2015, she began collapsing for no visible reason. ...

A Cry for Help!

By the Roaring Ellie | February 26, 2020
After a weekend of Mardi Gras celebrations, and a wonderful concert experience last night, I awoke to Ash Wednesday.  For...

Promise Her ANYTHING…

By the Roaring Ellie | February 20, 2020
Wednesday nights’ debate was broadcast on NBC.  I typically watch my favorite back-to-back series of Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and...

Golden Opportunity

By the Roaring Ellie | February 20, 2020
I am the step-mother of an adult mentally challenged daughter.  Developmentally, she is between the ages of 3-5 and is...

Does it Click?

By the Roaring Ellie | February 6, 2020
The Impeachment hearings are behind us (at least for now) and the talk is that our representatives did not vote...

What Are You Saying?

By the Roaring Ellie | January 10, 2020
I saw a poll this morning asking, “Should employees be prohibited from wearing MAGA hats to work?”  Interesting question.  The...

Don’t Let the Door Hit You…

By the Roaring Ellie | January 9, 2020
When my children were young, a very wise, more experienced mother told me, “You don’t tell a child – The...

Fake News

By the Roaring Ellie | January 7, 2020
For over a decade I have been hearing about fake news.  The Republicans blame the media; the Democrats blame the...


By the Roaring Ellie | January 6, 2020
When my children were growing up, the rule in the school was that fighting was prohibited and that engaging in...

RIP “Simba”

By the Roaring Ellie | January 2, 2020
Who Was He Bryce “Simba” Gowdy is a 6-2, 207-pound Wide Receiver from Deerfield Beach, FL. Gowdy, a highly-touted class...

Things I Want an Answer to…

By the Roaring Ellie | December 30, 2019
What purpose does pollen serve?Will there ever come a time when the actions of a politician will please the people?If...

The Bell-Shaped Curve

By the Roaring Ellie | December 29, 2019
Many of you have experienced performance reviews at your job.  While working for a very large, fortune 500 company, I...

Things I will no longer do in 2020

By the Roaring Ellie | December 27, 2019
When I click on a link to go to an article/photo/whatever, if the entire article does not appear, or if...

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

By the Roaring Ellie | December 21, 2019
  "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." This quote is often attributed to Benjamin...

Long May It Wave

By the Roaring Ellie | July 11, 2019
We live in a great country. On our worst day, we have many other nations beat simply because of the...

Where’s the Facebook I Used to Love?

By the Roaring Ellie | May 25, 2019
Every now and again, something happens and no matter how much thoughtful consideration you give it, you end up at...

They Don’t Call Them Red Flags for Nothing!!!

By the Roaring Ellie | May 19, 2019
During the period from 2010 thru 2012 I was fortunate enough to be called to work in the BP Oil...

Pro Life Means What?

By the Roaring Ellie | May 19, 2019
Life is hard.  In my lifetime, it seems to have gotten harder.  For the entire duration of my life I...

No Deposit – No Return

By the Roaring Ellie | April 17, 2019
When I was a child, milk was delivered to your door in glass bottles.  In fact, everything was in some...

Fair Weather Friends

By the Roaring Ellie | April 17, 2019
“Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport.  The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. ...

Law and Order

By the Roaring Ellie | April 13, 2019
The following are excerpts from a Newsweek article dated March 2018: "While Donald Trump fixates on walls, California will continue...

Time Out

By the Roaring Ellie | April 11, 2019
I spend a great deal of time looking at Facebook; more in the winter months than summer, but overall, too...


By the Roaring Ellie | April 7, 2019
For twelve weeks I have been attending Grief Share, a grief counseling series of sessions designed to help navigate the...

Help Wanted!

By the Roaring Ellie | March 27, 2019
At the mature age of 61, I have read a great deal of job postings in my time.  With the...

Where’s Your Empire?

By the Roaring Ellie | March 27, 2019
There have not been many people on either side of the political aisle who have not felt the level of...

Sorry Bob

By the Roaring Ellie | March 24, 2019
Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots publicly apologized after being charged with two counts of solicitation in connection...

Sitting Ducks

By the Roaring Ellie | March 24, 2019
“I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down...

God’s Plan

By the Roaring Ellie | March 22, 2019
As some of you know, I have been attending a Grief Share counseling for the past 10 weeks (two more...

Critical Thinking

By the Roaring Ellie | March 21, 2019
Did you ever have a discussion about where to go out to eat and the suggestions that are being made...

Pop Goes the King

By the Roaring Ellie | March 19, 2019
There is hardly a child who lived during Michael Jackson's reign over pop that would not have given his/her eye...

Let Me Entertain You

By the Roaring Ellie | March 19, 2019
In April 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was a rough ride and a long tale for another...

Inside Levittown

By the Roaring Ellie | March 14, 2019
Levittown, formerly Island Trees, is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the Town of Hempstead in Nassau County, New York on Long Island. It is located half way between...

Buy Me to the Moon

By the Roaring Ellie | March 14, 2019
On Tuesday we learned that there was a “massive college admission scam” with players from Hollywood  as well as business...

Permission Granted?

By the Roaring Ellie | March 13, 2019
For decades, I have found myself at appointments for doctors, dentists, etc. all presenting me with pages of forms requesting...
the Roaring Ellie

There’s No Place Like Home

By the Roaring Ellie | February 7, 2019
Between the advances in medicine and the development of so many wonderful pharmaceuticals on the market today, the lifespan of...
the Roaring Ellie

The word for today is Integrity!

By the Roaring Ellie | February 7, 2019
This morning, I went to google and typed in: Define Integrity. This is what came up: the quality of being honest...
the Roaring Ellie


By the Roaring Ellie | December 27, 2018
Throughout 2018 I have observed comments from both those I know and those I don’t regarding politics. As the year...

The Network

By the Roaring Ellie | October 11, 2018
Years ago, I worked for a Fortune 500 Corporation in the role of Communications Specialist. Clearly, I was not. But during that...