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Pro Life Means What?

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Life is hard.  In my lifetime, it seems to have gotten harder.  For the entire duration of my life I have not only paid into social security but been told that “It’s not going to be around by the time we are old enough to claim it.”  Well, that didn’t happen – it’s still here.  But I defy anyone to actually live on the amount they are given.  At best – it is an existence.

More and more younger people have either enrolled in the ObamaCare insurance plan or are on Medicaid.  ObamaCare was supposed to provide insurance options for those who did not have them offered through their places of employment.  It began very inexpensively.  It also began with a computer system that could not handle the volume of enrollments it received.  That problem was remedied after more than a month of outages and the next reared its ugly head.  Premium prices climbed and penalties were assigned to anyone who did not partake of some sort of insurance.  The thought that everyone needed health insurance coverage was a good one, but the problem was much larger and complex than simply getting every person insurance.  Big Pharma and health care are still such prohibitive expenses that despite insurance no one living by a meager income could possibly afford adequate health care.

Then we have the disabled population.  There are many categories here.  First, there are the mentally challenged.  They are awarded Medicaid if no other insurance is available to them.  However, at the age of 21, dental coverage ceases!  Ever wonder why so many of these individuals have bad teeth?  Now you know.  Most get NO DENTAL CARE what-so-ever.  Then we have the disabled veterans; volunteers who have stepped up to protect and defend our nation by responding to any and every call our government has issued to them.  If they do not end up making the ultimate sacrifice (giving their lives) they are suffering from either PTSD or physical damage that may or may not be addressed by the same government who sent them into harms way.  That trickles over into the lives of their family members who are now caring for them upon their return.  Some get help – others get bound up in so much red tape they see no alternative but to take their own lives to end the pain.

Skip ahead to the immigration situation.  We have a broken system when it comes to immigration.  It is heartbreaking to see how people in other lands must struggle to survive.  Is helping them the right thing to do?  Seems to be – morally.  But we have now bent over so far backwards to help everyone else we are unable to stand up for those who are here.

This brings me to the issue of abortion.  A pregnancy that is unwanted, for any number of reasons, is now being given a voice and protection by Pro-Lifers.  There will be no more legal abortions!  Alabama has forged ahead and other states are likely to follow suit.  My question is this:  What’s your plan once they are here?

Statistically, abortion numbers are as follows:

  • Based on the latest state-level data, approximately 879,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2017—down from approximately 892,000 abortions in 2016 and 913,000 abortions in 2015.
  • According to the Guttmacher Institute, an estimated 926,240 abortions took place in the United States in 2014—down from 1.06 million in 2011, 1.21 million abortions in 2008, 1.2 million in 2005, 1.29 million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred in the U.S (AGI).  (Loxafamosity Ministries, Inc., 2019)

Taking those numbers loosely, let’s say 750,000 babies will now be born each year in the United States that otherwise would have been aborted.  What now?  How will these children (and the mothers who are in over their heads) manage?  What benefits will be afforded them?  Are they likely to receive the same care and concern foreign entrants crossing the border get?  Or do we treat the company better than we treat the family?  How many women opt for abortion after seeing the value of their own lives?

Let me be clear about my position:  I would LOVE to live in a world where everyone was Pro Life and by Pro Life I mean from birth until death.  But like most initiatives I have seen implemented in my lifetime, they are introduced in a vacuum and will not encompass the entirety of the problem.  Is killing babies our biggest problem?  I think walking away from them after they are born is.

What are your thoughts?  Let me hear you R-O-A-R.

Reference:  Loxafamosity Ministries, Inc.   Retrieved from the world wide web on May 18 2019 from

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  1. Vicki on May 19, 2019 at 11:43 am

    I was wondering the same thing! Will these unwanted babies end up on the church steps or in the garbage? The onus of raising these unwanted children will be put on the state and county, which ultimately everyone pays for in their taxes. Then you have to look at the mental repercussions of these children knowing that they were not wanted by their mothers and fathers. On the plus side, there will be more babies up for adoption in the US so couples don’t have to go abroad to go through a lot of red tape and money to adopt.

  2. Karen on May 19, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    Have heard the same argument since the 70’s. My question is what is the real reason for this sudden legislation? Kids are getting killed in school by students who have mental problems. Children are used as sex slaves. Children are at the US border in detention camps. Many children in foster care are being neglected and abused. Some parents treat their pets better than their children. Where’s the emergency legislation to address those issues?

    Somehow, according to the Pro Life philosophy, a life doesn’t seem to be as precious once born. And what responsibility do men take in this. Random sperm don’t jump into a woman’s vagina out of nowhere. Instead of trying to regulate a woman’s anatomy, how about focusing on taking care of everyone who’s already here.