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In the midst of all the angst; all the inconvenience of staying at home – standing on lines 6 feet apart, taking our temperature every hour because of allergy sinus symptoms, the elephant in the room is the Senior Class of 2020.

Remember what it was like?  After twelve long years of thinking it would never happen; you would never graduate; never grow up….it’s here.  That long-awaited rite of passage that every child aspires towards their entire twelve years of school.  For those of us on the other side – it is unfathomable that this brief, but long-time coming celebration of achievement is going to be robbed right out from under the Class of 2020 graduates.  My heart breaks for you all.

Born in 2001 – the year the United States endured it’s first major attack on US soil, life has not exactly been smooth sailing.  The world has been changing faster than you have been able to adapt.  Yet, you have.  This was to be your shining moment.  The big high five.  The big “YES”.  And just like that – it appears to be slipping right through your fingers. 

Yes, there is talk of what can we do to celebrate.  How can we recognize this achievement that throughout the history of the United States ever senior has enjoyed.  There are ideas being thrown around such as chauffeuring each senior in a vehicle adorned by cap and gown throughout the town with the graduation theme blaring from speakers and citizens in their front yards or driveways waving and acknowledging the achievement of these young adults.  No confirmation on that as of yet. 

But tonight I saw the most moving of all depictions of this catastrophic non-event.  This illustration, created by Kaitlyn Kirian of Ohio, captures the heartbreak of the entire Class of 2020.  We’ve been Robbed should be the caption.

May this circulate through the United States and beyond and inspire all those who came before to find a way to acknowledge and celebrate this milestone in the lives of the Class of 2020.  We feel your pain; we love you and we will not forget that you are owed one hell of a graduation.

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