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Opportunity Knocks

This morning on television I saw an advertisement created in response to COVID-19 by Frito Lay.  It began with, in these trying times, you do not need a brand telling you what to do; you need a brand taking action.  It went on to say that Frito Lay has created 3000 new full-time jobs and donated $15 million dollars.  That is absolutely wonderful.  But why now?

I love that all these major companies are willing to step up – but quite frankly, I hate that it takes an emergency to prompt them.  If you can jump up and create 3000 new full-time jobs, why didn’t you do this before now?

I remember an interview with Roseann Barr years ago after she had just become successful as a comedian.  She spoke about how she did not have money growing up and when you come from strained financial circumstances no amount of money is enough.  Ok.  I get it – initially.  But once you have it – get yourself a financial advisor and manage it.  Likewise, corporations have a lot of money.  We are constantly hearing about the big businesses filing for Chapter 13, borrowing from the SBA stimulus program, etc.  Surely, they cannot all be failing! 

Companies have a two-fold value; to create jobs and to provide a product or service to the community.  The more money a business makes, the more opportunities it should create.  I understand that there needs to be a cash reserve to protect the business, but set that limit, reach it and then share the wealth by creating new opportunities.

If COVID-19 is teaching us anything it is greed has no place in our society anymore.  It is not just us, our family, our friends, our community.  If one falls, we all fall.  Isn’t that the root of the mask/no mask discussion?  Great that you are healthy, but everyone you come in contact with is not and a weakened immune system combined with exposure to this virus can translate to a death sentence for some.  We each need to think about all of us – not just those whom we think matter.

As for Frito Lay, I applaud you for seeing the light.  I now challenge everyone, every company, every entity to seek out ways to create opportunities.  If every business can find a way to create one job – just one, think of how many families that may help.  Extend yourself.  Do what you can. ❤


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