Posts by the Roaring Ellie

The Public Servant’s Silver Platter

The year 2020 is coming to a close and dare any of us imagine that so much of it would be overshadowed by COVID, politics and heartache.  Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash early on certainly set the stage for what will go down in history as one of the most challenging years in US history.  Most…

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Better for Who?

Ask any senior citizen about his/her prescription medication needs and you will be presented with a list of monthly medicines that they are currently using to treat whatever ails them.  Outpatient prescription drugs are NOT covered by Medicare.  For those who have supplemental insurance plans, many of them are able to offset the cost of…

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This is Only a Test

I read an article today about testing being done on children for the COVID vaccine.  A portion of that article follows: Around 100 incredible kids have been doing some really important work (after school, of course!) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to help experts determine whether the Pfizer vaccine will be safe for kids. They deserve…

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Rock On

Rarely do I allow my gas tank to go below ¼ but it happened.  I had a trip to Huntsville this morning and knew I needed to fill up before leaving Decatur.  So I pulled In to the closest station to my house.  Of course, every pump was occupied.  I patiently (as I could) pulled…

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You Say You Want a Revolution

Not a moment has passed in 8 months that COVID-19 has not been front and center in the news.  What is noticeably lacking from that conversation, however, is the source of this deadly virus and what the world can do to prevent such an occurrence from happening again.  In the background, a gigantic competition amongst…

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But if this election is to have lasting meaning, we cannot see a Biden campaign victory as license to cast away politics as a presence in our daily lives. ~ Anand Giridaradas NY Times, 11-7-20 This election has a lasting meaning from 2016 and politics as a presence in our daily lives has been instilled…

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Duck, Duck, Donkey

Years ago I was employed by a fortune 500 company.  Shortly after my initial employment I received training regarding taking ‘gifts’ from vendors, etc.  Any gift in excess of $25 in value had to be reported.  The reason:  There should not even be the hint of impropriety present in any business dealings. WHERE IS THIS…

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God Bless America

It doesn’t take very long to trace back the “where did he/she go wrong” when you meet someone whose life has taken an unfortunate turn.  Did they have positive role models?  Were they “included” in activities with friends growing up?  Were their parents and the parents of their friends proactive in monitoring their behavior and…

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ZERO Discrimination

Whether or not you are a member of the LGTBQ community, one thing that can be appreciated is everyone’s basic human need to be “included.”  It is not about gender.  It is not about race.  It’s not about whether or not you are an athlete.  It’s even more than simple popularity.  Every single person needs…

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I’m Outta Here!!!

We have heard this all before; and there appears to be a list of celebrities who have vowed to leave the US should his/her candidate choice not win the election: Lena Dunham Matt Damon Jon Stewart Cher Samuel L Jackson Rosie O’Donnell John Legend Bryan Cranston Barbara Streisand Chelsea Handler Amy Schumer That was the…

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