Posts by the Roaring Ellie

Tough Shit!

I ventured out to WalMart today to do some much needed grocery shopping.  After spending the better part of 45 minutes filling my cart, I made my way to the check out counter.  The cashier, a very nice woman who was doing her best to expeditiously move me through the process, informed me that I…

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When I worked for a Fortune 500 company, I was trained to speak publicly for training purposes and announcements.  In every instance, I was told to speak at a level understandable to the entire audience.  “If you speak so that a doctor in the audience understands but not the rest of the audience, you leave…

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Come Together

Don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) was the official United States policy on military service by gays, bisexuals, and lesbians, instituted by the Clinton Administration on February 28, 1994, when Department of Defense Directive 1304.26 issued on December 21, 1993, took effect, lasting until September 20, 2011.(Wikipedia, 2020)  Similarly, The U.S. Supreme Court banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools in a 1962…

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This morning, I watched a broadcast of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo holds a briefing at the State Department on the coronavirus outbreak.  I say watched – but really I “tried” to watch it.  As Secretary Pompeo began answering questions, the picture flashed in and out about every three seconds or so (both video and…

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When I was a child, my mother used to play a game with me.  We would keep our eyes open all the time and watch for Volkswagon bugs to drive down the street.  As soon as one of us would see one, we’d yell, VOLKSWAGON!  She would tell me, “You never realize how many of…

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Who Are You?

The day before yesterday I received a phone call from a doctor’s office in Tampa, Florida.  The call went like this: “Hello, are you the daughter of Ms. Wray?” “Yes” “I am XXX from Dr. XXX office and I just spoke to your mom.  She asked me to phone you so that I could collect…

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In or Out?

With so much conflict amongst people in different parts of the country regarding the opening back up of America, I thought I would share this analogy with you. I live in the Tennessee Valley.  Specifically, I live in North Alabama.  There have been times when we have experienced inclement weather to the point of devastating…

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Charity Begins at Home

With our economy resembling the aftermath of that brutal fight between Marvin Hagler and Tommy Hearns for the Middleweight Championship (Sports Illustrated, 2020), great concern is being given to rejuvenating the American economy by making a conscious effort to buy American.  There are advertisements everywhere illustrating how one can identify American made products vs. others…

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Wanna Buy a Bridge?

Wanna Buy a Bridge? From time to time, I receive email advertisements regarding coupon discounts that have come to be known as Groupon.    In them, you receive offers for substantially reduced prices on items for sale, services, and entertainment.  This offering (I kid you not) was for a Deed of Title for 1 acre of…

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Let Me OUT!!!!

As the weather becomes nicer and the stress of isolation becomes increasingly more prevalent, people are showing their frustrations from their own particular level of stir crazy.  There are many theories circulating as to whether or not this was deliberate on the part of the Chinese government to shut down our economy; was it a…

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