Posts by the Roaring Ellie

More Money Than Sense

In the most recent twist to what appears to be a never ending saga gone wrong, Hollywood elites are now tweeting, organizing and donating to something called the Minnesota Freedom Fund:  “Please also consider giving what you can to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (@MNFreedomFund), they’re combatting the harms of incarceration by paying bail for low-income…

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Be Careful What You Wish For

The big tagline that was thrown around at the beginning of the COVID-19 shut down was, “We’re all in this together.”  Some agreed – some did not.  But that was the sentiment that was being conveyed.  It got me thinking. I have flown many commercial flights in my lifetime; most with people I had never…

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Where’s the Cavalry?

Cavalry (“an army component mounted on horseback”) comes from the Italian word cavalleria, which may mean either “cavalry” or “chivalry.” (Merriam-webster, 2020) Just so we are clear, chivalry is the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. (, 2020) The police, fire, emergency…

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#George Floyd

During my working time at BP, I began as a clerk but soon moved my way into serving as a scribe for HAZOP studies.  “A hazard and operability study (HAZOP) is a structured and systematic examination of a complex planned or existing process or operation in order to identify and evaluate problems that may represent risks to…

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MOB Mentality

For less than one year, I attended the University of South Florida in Tampa.  What ended my enrollment with that center of learning was an outbreak of German Measles which resulted in a mandate that everyone on campus receive a vaccination by January 10th.  I had been suffering with the flu that year and convinced…

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To Err is Human … To Forgive Devine

I read an article this morning online.  This is a portion of that article: One of the sons of murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has posted a statement on his Twitter account saying his family forgives the people who killed his father.   “In this blessed night of the blessed month (of Ramadan) we remember God’s…

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Opportunity Knocks

This morning on television I saw an advertisement created in response to COVID-19 by Frito Lay.  It began with, in these trying times, you do not need a brand telling you what to do; you need a brand taking action.  It went on to say that Frito Lay has created 3000 new full-time jobs and…

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Cast Your Vote

It is the end of the school year although it doesn’t much feel like it.  For most, school came to a screeching halt in March.  It has been one long spring break into summer.  I would like to address the upcoming Senior Class of 2021. This is not about a pandemic.  It is not about…

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The Spark of Passion

My life began in a five-story apartment building in the Bronx.  It was the only (in my recollection) building in that area with a full garden.  The building itself was about ¾ of a city block long and as you entered the main entrance via what we affectionately knew as “the stoop” you came upon…

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How Do We Get to the Other Side?

If you ask 50 people who know me (or think they do) about me, you will get a variety of responses.  Oh, that Ellen, she’s a talker!  She knows a lot of people.  She’s opinionated.  She swears like a sailor.  I’d be willing to bet that no matter what you’ve heard  – IT’s ALL TRUE! …

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