Posts by the Roaring Ellie

The Eve of Construction

It is impossible to watch, read or hear the news about the larger cities in the United States and wonder what is going on?  It is totally understandable that there are protests concerning the behavior of the Officer who kneeled upon the neck of his suspect to the point of causing his death.  But how…

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I Can’t Believe My Ears!!!

Many years ago Bobby and I had a saltwater fish and custom aquarium shop.  We enjoyed the hobby and decided we wanted to do this all day – every day.  And for several years we did just that.  During that time, we acquired a customer who wanted a coffee table aquarium.  The family was having…

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The Upside of the Downside

With a plethora of political posts (say that three times fast) that I find on Facebook, one thing has really jumped out at me and that is the pleasure people seem to glean from pointing out other people’s down turns. One person in particular; a person I have had no face-to-face contact with in quite…

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The Man in the Mirror

While engaged in a discussion on Facebook concerning current events, one comment was made directed at me by someone I have never met.  It read: “I hate Trump and everyone who voted for him.”  My first thought although rather glib was, Damn, that’s a lot of folks to hate!  But then I really had to…

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Go-Don’t Go

The day I was informed I had cancer, I had just left the dentist’s office in Tampa.  I was down there caring for my mother who had experienced a terrible set back with her osteoporosis.  She was bed ridden.  I was her caregiver.  I exited the office and my cell phone rang.  “Is this Ellen?” …

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The Ripple Effect

The Corona Virus demanded many abrupt changes to our lives.  Many of us were told to shelter in place keeping outings to a bare minimum strictly for necessities.  Depending upon the area you live in, more or less of that was a reality.  For us living in Decatur, Alabama, we were quite fortunate.  Cases were…

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I’m a Survivor!

In April of 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  To say I was completely surprised would be an understatement.  I had been working out since January 1st of that year and had lost 25 lbs (that I did not miss at all).  Visibly, I was in the best shape I had been in in…

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Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way

This morning, I read that Obama called on young activists to “make people in power uncomfortable.”  My first thought after I read it was – “Hasn’t it been the other way around?” Since President Trumps’ election I cannot think of a single time when so many other politicians or former Presidents appeared to be disrupting…

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Ask Yourself

In the last few years, usually towards the end, I have made a promise to myself that I would not say, “It can’t get any worse.”  I would simply do my best to remain optimistic.  2020 came and I honestly felt like this was the year it was all going to fall into place.  And…

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Aiding and Abetting

Yesterday’s blog was not intended to be a two-parter, but here we are.  I found myself dwelling on Hollywood and everyone in it (and by everyone, I mean the Hollywood elite).  One year ago, the news was flooded with the saga of college bribery submissions with the forefront of that being occupied by Felicity Huffman…

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