Posts by the Roaring Ellie

Things I Want an Answer to…

What purpose does pollen serve? Will there ever come a time when the actions of a politician will please the people? If every time a steel-belted radial fails it beats everything around it, why do dual wheel pick-up trucks have fiberglass wheel wells? How many people can you really love at one time before it…

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The Bell-Shaped Curve

Many of you have experienced performance reviews at your job.  While working for a very large, fortune 500 company, I experienced a yearly performance review.  It was explained to me during my first encounter that the information recorded would then be entered by grade; 5 being the highest and 1 the lowest, against other employees…

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Things I will no longer do in 2020

When I click on a link to go to an article/photo/whatever, if the entire article does not appear, or if the information is in any way a hook to get me to click on repeated links to get to what I think will be the information/picture/etc that I was originally interested in – I’m out. …

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Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

  “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” This quote is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin since it appeared in his Poor Richard’s Almanack; however, it was first used in print by John Clarke in a 1639 book of English and Latin proverbs.(Wikipedia 2019) Every new year, people resolve to…

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Long May It Wave

We live in a great country. On our worst day, we have many other nations beat simply because of the freedoms we have to complain about those things we do not like or agree with.  So, freedom is what makes this country great.  What also makes us great is our diversity.  Each one of us…

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Where’s the Facebook I Used to Love?

Every now and again, something happens and no matter how much thoughtful consideration you give it, you end up at the same place; having to throw the BULL SHIT card! For two years I have been plagued (and I do mean plagued) with political newsfeed.  A disproportionately large percentage of these I must research to…

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They Don’t Call Them Red Flags for Nothing!!!

During the period from 2010 thru 2012 I was fortunate enough to be called to work in the BP Oil Spill recovery in the Gulf.  My final position during that time was a safety rep in Ft. Morgan Beach, Alabama; a very nice gig if you can land it.  There were five or six person…

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Pro Life Means What?

Life is hard.  In my lifetime, it seems to have gotten harder.  For the entire duration of my life I have not only paid into social security but been told that “It’s not going to be around by the time we are old enough to claim it.”  Well, that didn’t happen – it’s still here. …

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No Deposit – No Return

When I was a child, milk was delivered to your door in glass bottles.  In fact, everything was in some sort of glass jar or bottle.  For many of these containers (particularly glass soda bottles) there was a deposit charged so upon presenting them at a store you would be given the deposit back ensuring…

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Fair Weather Friends

“Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport.  The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  The human drama of athletic competition. This is ABC’s Wide World of Sports.”  That was the opening of the show that broadcast every Saturday afternoon (usually at 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm) from April 29,…

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