Posts by the Roaring Ellie

Everybody Loves a Winner

I read an article about the psychology behind winning today.  The link to that article is here:  I encourage you to read it either before or after you read this. Prior to looking it up, I had been considering the aftermath of the emotion, particularly the Democratic party and its supporters following the preceding…

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The Concensus

For all those people who are talking about mail in ballots … Chew on this for a bit. Before COVID, I signed up to work on the 2020 Census.  I’m embarrassed to say, until this year, I had no idea of the significance of the census; what the numbers translate to, etc.  I know enough…

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2020 Vision

As we have breezed over the halfway mark of 2020, I’d like to take a moment to recap exactly what we have learned so far: You cannot impeach a President unless his party agrees with you No action to thwart a pandemic is a good one unless it comes from the people you voted for…

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Don’t You Get Me?

One of the biggest things that attracted me to my husband was, he got me.  He didn’t necessarily agree with me on every issue, but he understood me.  Sometimes we simply had to agree to disagree.  We worked together on various projects both personally and professionally and not only accomplished a great deal but also…

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Take a Seat

There was a question posed yesterday on Facebook and while not directly posed to me, I thought I would provide a response from my own perspective.  What makes this factual is that it is a factual account of my opinion and how I arrived at it – nothing more.  Before Colin Kaepernick took a knee,…

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Ain’t That a Kick in the Head

Just yesterday, I witnessed several fight videos circulating on social media.  They aren’t anything like what I have seen before. They are mob assaults. One person grabs another pulls them down and suddenly there is a group kicking, punching, attacking one individual on the ground until they appear lifeless. It took me back to the…

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I begin this piece by stating openly that I have never once consumed any Goya product.  I have nothing against it.  These are simply items that I do not reach for in my daily consumption.  That being said:  Goya Foods, Inc. is an American producer of a brand of foods sold in the United States…

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Shock and Awe

As I have aged into what can only be described as my senior years, I have found myself astonished at the things I am seeing within society.  People are appalled at the notion of birth control or “choice” but ignore child trafficking, pedophiles, abuse, neglect, and homelessness.  Everyone wants lower crime but insist upon releasing…

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Who Cares?

Since the beginning of the year, the American public has been inundated with what can only be referred to as chaotic scare tactics in a plea for conformity in the name of safety.  The introduction of the so-called Coronavirus that infiltrated our borders supposedly via a Chinese wet market had so many holes in the…

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Carry That Weight

Every generation that comes into its own does so with the belief that the preceeding generations did not quite know what they were doing.  They did what they did that got everyone up to this point – but the new young adults are the ones that are going to change the world.  It is also…

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