Posts by the Roaring Ellie

Are You Wearing Protection?

Since there has been much ado about “protection” during the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought I would put together some information concerning protecting oneself and the use of personal protective equipment.  I hope you find this interesting as I did. What Type of Mask Are You Wearing? It has recently been recommended that protective covering be…

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In the midst of all the angst; all the inconvenience of staying at home – standing on lines 6 feet apart, taking our temperature every hour because of allergy sinus symptoms, the elephant in the room is the Senior Class of 2020. Remember what it was like?  After twelve long years of thinking it would…

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Pull the Curtain

The week of March 16th, schools in the State of Alabama began suspending classes due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  We were told that this virus likely originated in the wet market of Wuhan, China due to unsanitary conditions.  We watched and listened and travel between China and the US became suspended; travel between Europe and…

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God is in Control

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of the word “hobby” is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.  Few people are not familiar with the chain Hobby Lobby.  As of yesterday evening, the news has been buzzing with regard to  an email termination notice sent out not by the owner, David…

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Time Out

The world has become a crazy place.  I can say with assurance I have heard that statement at least once a day in my encounters.  People are stressed.  Societies in all nations have mutated to the point where people scratch their heads wondering, “What next?” COVID-19 is what’s next. A germ that started in a…

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Share and Share Alike

When I was in Senior year of high school, mid-year, I moved to Tampa, Florida.  I went from attending a parochial school of about 180 students to a public school with over 500.  To say I didn’t fit in wouldn’t quite capture it.  However, my neighbors were a group of college age guys who were…

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Finger Pointing

While searching around the web, I found a USA today article regarding the Coronavirus: At least eight strains of the coronavirus are making their way around the globe, creating a trail of death and disease that scientists are tracking by their genetic footprints. While much is unknown, hidden in the virus’s unique microscopic fragments are clues to the…

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Last Call

Death doesn’t take prisoners.  It comes for everyone.  Death ignores finances, schedules, athletic ability, popularity, and even age.  It enters your life as judge and jury and decides independently when your time is up.  No discussion – no bartering.  Death is a milestone.  It marks the end of a person’s time here on earth.  It…

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What Are You Broadcasting?

During a small gathering of friends last evening (4 people), an interesting discussion broke out about hope.   I thought I would share it with you on this Sunday morning preceding the quarantine. For those of you unfamiliar, our emotions give off a frequency.  Imagine it as if we each had our own radio stations and…

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Don’t Panic

In the past two weeks, I have seen post after post advising (pleading) with people to listen to this one or that from the medical profession as opposed to the politicians who may be “spinning” the information given to the public regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.  Here’s what I know: Since the very beginning of Facebook…

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