Posts by the Roaring Ellie

The Pursuit of Happiness

As a young child, many of us were introduced to sports; in particular – team sports.  We had a coach and the game has officials who know the rules of that game inside and out.  Without those, it is pandemonium.  If you don’t know the rules – how can you possibly play the game? The…

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The Missing Piece

After many years in the workforce as an Administrative Assistant, I earned my degree and began working as a Project Manager.  I found one to be the perfect preparation for the other; well, that and having six children to raise.  There are two key things to remember with any project:  1) no matter how many…

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Tit for Tat

While entering the post office the other day, I noticed an elderly woman leaving.  She was wearing shorts and a cotton top.  Her hair was curly gray.  If I had to guess, I would put her in her 70’s.  She had a tattoo on her ankle.  I remember thinking to myself, never have I seen…

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Get Off of My Cloud

My grandson attends the local high school.  Since being out because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has had to complete his schoolwork on line.  Sadly, there have been some glitches in this system and the teachers are having to work double duty to compensate and ensure that the students complete all assigned work to receive…

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It’s All About Who You Know

This afternoon on my newsfeed, I learned of the death of actor, Brian Dennehy.  He was an all-time favorite of mine.  My first thought was, ‘Wow, I’ll really miss him.  I liked him so much.  He was great.” I had to catch myself for a moment and stop to think – I never met Brian…

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I’m Telling…

One of the first lessons children are taught is the distinction between right and wrong.  It takes a while.  It begins with the word “NO”.  As the child learns, the word no encompasses what he/she is not permitted to do.  Those parameters are set by the parents.  That realization broadens to that which others should…

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Who’s to Blame?

My curiosity has been peaked about so much these last few weeks.  Of late it is the debate regarding who is to blame for this pandemic we have come to call COVID -19. I find it interesting – the subtle difference between responsibility and blame.  An on-line dictionary source gave me these examples:  the state…

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Buy Partisan

Your letter, or rather solicitation, arrived in our mailbox yesterday evening.  Your personal note on the envelope “XXXX, someone had to stand up to the bully in the White House,” Caught my attention.  What has peaked my curiosity is what on earth made you send this to me? I am and have been a Republican…

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If You Snooze, You Lose

Much discussion has been centered around what can be done to combat COVID-19.  Hydroxychloroquine has been found to have significant success, but there are still pockets of professionals that are not going to that as the 100 percent solution.  Unlike the beginning of this pandemic, we are now hearing about people we know, both personally…

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For most of our lives, we give our attention to those who grab it; Athletes who defy normal physical capabilities to capture the “win” of a game.  Actors who use their craft to tell us a story; teach us a lesson, or simply entertain us.  Business leaders who along with their other responsibilities control the…

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