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The Obi-Wan Scenario

In 1977, a film titled Star Wars emerged in movie theatres across the United States. At that time, I found myself in Ft. Lauderdale with a friend. A matinee show welcomed us in from the Florida heat. Admittedly, I was swept into the production to a galaxy far far away.

Stormtrooper Let me see your identification.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi [with a small wave of his hand] You don’t need to see his identification.

Stormtrooper We don’t need to see his identification.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

Stormtrooper These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi He can go about his business.

Stormtrooper You can go about your business.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi Move along.

Stormtrooper Move along… move along.

Not included in this cut, but the ending line of this scene is:” The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.”

In my own mind-I began replaying this scene over and over since seeing it. I refer to it as the Obi-Wan scenario. As my life has progressed, I am seeing it more. In fact, as time moves closer to the upcoming Presidential Election, it is all I am seeing and hearing.

First, I (and many others) began noticing the stumbles in mental acuity our President was exhibiting. We were immediately reassured (mostly by Democratic media members) that it was simply not true. Of late, we witnessed what could not be overlooked as gaffs President Biden experienced during his debate performance. When denial was no longer an option, one-by-one members of the Democratic party are stepping up and declaring the need (as they see it) for a more viable candidate. The President (someone whom a consensus now looms has no chance of winning because of his obvious mental decline) is the only one who can make the decision to step aside? My first and most frightening thought is,” What other decision can he and only he make?”

This is not a Democrat problem. This is an American problem! If Joe Biden is the best chance we have to defeat Donald J Trump, then we have no chance. Not a Democrat (or a Republican) myself, I must wonder: Do you honestly believe that? Are you saying that in the whole of the United States Democratic party, this 81-year-old career politician now in the throws of diminished capacity-he’s the only chance you have?

If we are the greatest nation in the world (an arrogant statement for Americans to make to say the least), then how is it Joe Biden is the best we have?

Just the opposite is true. We have many extremely bright, logical, patriotic, strong citizens who, given the opportunity, could emerge as leaders for our great nation. The real question is, would either party allow it?

People do not just throw their proverbial hat in the ring and run for a high office. Either the Democratic or Republican party must endorse them – and by endorse, I mean sign off. If an Independent candidate takes it upon themselves to enter the race, they do so on their own as the title implies and find themselves begging for permission to enter the race on any national stage – usually with permission being denied.

I am (as usual) just sitting in the cheap seats. But a man who stumbles making it from one end of a sentence to the other and literally the entire group surrounding him clearly on the fence as to whether he should step aside. The Obi-Wan scenario is alive and well.

And, allow me to highlight what I feel is another obvious weakness in this: If Joe Biden is telling himself (and anyone else who will listen) that he is the best and only chance the Democrats have at winning this election, how can he then turn around and state unequivocally of his confidence in his Vice President?  The truth is, he doesn’t trust her for the position either. So why is she there?

The political party system is nothing more than a good old boy network where a behind the scenes enmeshed group of people put their heads together and place someone they select in the role for what I only assume is to further their own agenda. Sadly, I do not believe that agenda is in any way associated with the needs of “We the People.”  We are the excuse; the afterthought; the consumer in the long chain of salesmanship so that they can sit back and tell themselves we are living in a democracy, and they are the ones ensuring it will continue.

Wake up! We are a country in disarray to the rest of the world – and the newsflash is that the rest of the world is not concerned with the agenda of the party in power. They have their own. Leave America visibly weakened as you have thus far, and someone will come in who neither asks for nor requires your opinion.

To all the high ranking members of political parties: Pretend you are one of We the People. Think through what you are doing.

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  1. Karen on July 21, 2024 at 3:06 pm

    If nothing else, this nightmare scenario is proof that candidates are bought by those who can offer the most money. That’s why ethical and qualified people don’t “throw their hats in the ring”.

    Somehow this system of elections has to be overhauled so that whoever runs is truly doing it for “we the people” and not “me the self serving”.

    • the Roaring Ellie on July 22, 2024 at 10:47 pm

      I found it interesting that the only way the campaign funds raised thus far could be used was if Kamala Harris was the substitute candidate as she was already on the ticket. But, anywhere you look there are URGENT requests for donations. Exactly how much money is needed for this campaign anyway? I’ll be very curious to see if the delegation confirms her bid in August at the convention.