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The Last (supper) Straw


Whether a loyal fan or an occasional watcher, the Olympics is a draw for all viewers around the world. This year’s 2024 Olympics is taking place in Paris, France. The opening ceremony was seen by some 28.6 million viewers, many of whom then took to their keyboards and began expressing discontent over the drag show depiction of The Last Supper.

Multiple copies of a response appeared throughout Facebook to dispel the “notion” that there was a connection. The post read:

This is for those (Evangenitals) who never educate themselves and think the world revolves around them only.

First, educate yourself:

The reference is not Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper at all. It is Jan Harmensz van Bijlert’s “Festin des Dieux” (The Feast of the Gods).

Painted around 1635 and kept in the Magnin Museum in Avignon, this painting depicts the gods of Olympus celebrating the wedding of Thetis and Peleus.

In the center of the table is not Christ, but a crowned Apollo. Bacchus (Dionysus) is lying in the foreground.

It doesn’t hurt to be educated… reading dispels ignorance.

The author: Will Tveit posting under Democrats Republicans and Independents against MAGA.

Despite the denials:

A Paris 2024 Olympics spokesperson admitted the controversial drag show version of “The Last Supper” seen in Friday’s opening ceremony was indeed inspired by the iconic da Vinci mural — despite attempting to vehemently deny it following fierce backlash.

“Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting,” an Olympics spokesperson admitted to The Post in a statement on Saturday, referring to the opening ceremony creative director.

“He is not the first artist to make a reference to what is a world-famous work of art. From Andy Warhol to ‘The Simpsons,’ many have done it before him,” the statement continued. (Reslen & Nesi, 2024)

While no Bible scholar, there are excerpts here and there that stand out in my mind.

Matthew 7:1-51 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

I do not know the producer of this segment. I certainly do not know what was in his heart and/or mind. Truth be told, this was one of the few Olympic Opening Ceremonies in my lifetime that I failed to watch. But I feel no anger about it. I feel no hatred towards the producer, the Olympic Committee, or the French.

My life has ample instances where I believe I will be judged when the time comes. For that, I pray for mercy. I do the same for others. As far as this portrayal is concerned, I consider it between them and God and therefore, above my paygrade.

May God Bless them and anyone who feels any hatred because of seeing this. Live life and move on.


The Bible, Matthew 7:1-51

Eileen Reslen & Cris Nesi, New York Post, July 30, 2024 retrieved from the world wide web on July 30, 2024 from

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  1. David Grossbard on July 31, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    Great read Ellen. As I have mentioned to you I have stopped posting on Facebook but could not resist remarking to Huvanes post regarding this. You see when they use words and phrases like “ uneducated and ignorant” and then proven wrong by the producers own words I feel they need to be called out on it. I call what Mike and others do the “ smartest man in the room” syndrome. They truly believe that they are superior intellectually and morally and all those who do not agree with them are the aforementioned “uneducated and ignorant” . In my post i said “ you do not need to be a Rhodes Scholar” to figure out what the goal here was. Shit…the producer said it what the goal here was and it wasn’t to depict some mythological painting. He said it was to show “ tolerance “. Tolerance towards who? I can only deduce he’s referring to those characters he used in his production.

  2. David Grossbard on July 31, 2024 at 1:41 pm

    Here’s my post in its entirety

    If there intention was to recreate a mythological painting why the apology and statement from the committee and their explanation that it’s intent was to celebrate “community tolerance”. Why not say its intent was to depict that painting . Nowhere in their statement do they refer to that painting. It appears now that others who were not involved with the production and the social media mavens have somehow steered it in a direction that fits their own ideology and narrative

    With that being said they are obviously free to do as they wish just as others are under no obligation to watch.

    As far as the “educate yourself” line, dont have to be a Rhodes Scholar to figure out what the producers and staff were trying to get across. Shit they said it …“ community tolerance”. All the other
    explanations are nonsense and nothing more than them looking for cover because of the blowback. So who is really the ignorant ones in this case