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The Debate AFTER the Debate

For most of my life, I have chosen to follow my gut rather than either what I was told or read. Occasionally I have been wrong; always a bitter pill to swallow – but that’s life. You go on.

I have NEVER in my life wanted to be more wrong than last night.

A debate that has been headline news for weeks; how the President of the United States was at Camp David for a solid week prepping for this upcoming event was talked about every day, all day. This was going to be the “big moment.” Joe Biden would at long last, once and for all, put a nail in the coffin containing the hopes and aspirations of Donald J. Trump to resume his seat in the White House and lead the country once again. That’s what the plan was.

The plan fell apart.

Several things concern me about last night:

1) the entire world now has tape recorded evidence that our Commander in Chief is, in fact, suffering from diminished capacity and despite being able to make points regarding his plan and experience, stumbled profoundly throughout.

2) The “party” and most importantly, those in the President’s inner circle, were willing to take the risk and put him out in front of the world unable to complete his thoughts without getting tangled up.

3) The priority for the “party” is maintaining control – not putting the best person in the job to lead the country. In short, we the people are secondary.

As a side note: for the first time in my life, I sincerely felt empathy for Joe Biden. How his handlers could set him for that epic a failure of a performance means one of two things:

1) they didn’t care

2) they didn’t see it coming

Both are equally disturbing.

As the CNN panel appeared in disbelief and sadness, every word they uttered was painfully accurate. So the silver lining in the cloud for me was that we now have news being conveyed accurately. No lip service. No sugar coating.

After the panel discussion came a skype interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. She stuck to the script as though her life depended upon it. And, let’s face it, it does. Sadly, VP Harris has had three and a half years of what can only be described as a voided blotch on her resume with no accomplishments of her own to highlight. I have zero confidence in her ability to take the reigns and we are not talking ‘should the need arise’. We have a need!

Clearly, the party’s hatred of one man has caused them to throw caution to the wind and get behind a candidate (our seated President) who is no longer up to the task. And now the world knows it. I feel neither safe, nor important to the political powers that be.

There is no pulling the curtain back on this.

I refuse to believe that in the whole of the United States this is the best we can do.

I will also let you in on a little secret – or at least, what appears to be a secret to the Democrats: Getting the job done is more important that popularity. I speak only for myself, but I know I am not alone. It is not a requirement that I “like” those running the country. But I do have to have faith in their ability to do it.

Bottom line: if you are in a car being driven by someone that exhibits the kind of confusion that the president exhibited, you don’t talk him through it – you tell him to pull over.

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