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I wrote this the morning after watching Dirty Pop: The Boy Band Scam.

The last time our great nation was truly united was on 9/11. As unfathomable as that date in our history was to all of us, we were truly one nation under God and indivisible. Flag waving was at an all time high in my lifetime.

In this series, a now adult member of Natural, Michael Johnson, recalls being amazed that in a nation of completely grounded airplanes, Lou Pearlman not only got them on a plane to return to Florida, but did so with an escort of F-16’s. His claim was that he phoned George W on a satellite phone.

President at that time was George W Bush. I remember him not being the most eloquent speaker. Much to my surprise he took a firm stand:

Standing atop a crumpled fire truck with retired New York City fireman Bob Beckwith on September 14, 2001, President Bush rallies rescue workers during an impromptu speech at Ground Zero saying, “I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.” (National Archives, 2024)

There was a lot going on in our nation at that time. Too much to comprehend as it turns out. But to hear this memory of a member of the O-Town boy band that Lou got them in the air and escorted by F-16’s is unimaginable. What emergency of theirs could have weighed against the priorities of our nation?

The only planes (to my knowledge) flying over the United States after that attack were our military planes and Air Force One. More to the point (and I have no military background what-so-ever) how high up the food chain would someone have to go to get authorization to scramble F-16’s?

The most obvious sign of Pearlman’s influence was his ability to get Johnson’s boy band Natural on a plane right after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, when most planes were supposed to be grounded. The group was doing a photo shoot in New York. Pearlman made a satellite call. On Sep. 12, they were on a private plane flying back to their Orlando headquarters. (Time, 2024)

To recap: our nation was under attack. Thousands of Americans lost their lives. But equally imperative to this was the safe and timely return of a boy band and their manager to Florida? Are you F#$^ING KIDDING ME?????????

I reiterate, I have no party allegiance. I vote for who I believe is the best candidate at the time – sometimes not at all. This is one of what I fear is many things I do not know about regarding favor among the privileged. I would not declare it above my paygrade because I do not believe that to be true. I am an American. This is my country, as it is yours. Why are things like this allowed to go on?

Adding insult to injury is the backstory to this which is that Pearlman orchestrated one of the largest Ponzi schemes in my lifetime stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors, some of whom put up their life savings and lost them. I ask again: How could this entrepreneur boy band manager command such authority to call, reach and manipulate the office of President of the United States?

In the early days of the Ponzi scheme investigation, Lou Pearlman not only took investment money from Governor Charlie Crist, but he also donated to his election campaign:

A lawyer and investor is accusing Gov. Charlie Crist of receiving inappropriate campaign contributions – including $11,000, travel on a private jet and the use of sport skyboxes – from boy-band impresario Lou Pearlman while he was under state investigation.

James Lowy, a Tampa attorney, says Crist received the donations while state officials were investigating Pearlman’s investment schemes in which hundreds of investors were swindled out of as much as $317 million. Crist, who became Governor Jan. 2, was then the state attorney general.

“Crist is taking all these donations from a guy he is supposed to be investigating. Not good,” Lowy said.                                                                                                                ~Ellis, The Associated Press

Years ago, when employed by a Fortune 500 company I was instructed that the company logo should NEVER appear printed anywhere with another logo without corporate legal permission. It is considered an endorsement and must be screened carefully beforehand. I know nothing about running a campaign, but one would think the same scrutiny would be prudent for a candidate for public office.

Money Talks!

All that is needed to hob-knob with politically ambitious is to be rich or famous – preferably both.

This still does not explain who, how, or why this criminal (although not convicted at that time) was granted access to restricted air space on the day after the worst attack on US soil. How many people knew that this happened? And is anyone in the United States as upset as I am to find out that this happened?

Let me know your thoughts!


Ellis, Ron – The Associated Press, Ocala Star Banner, March 5, 2007, retrieved from the world wide web on July 27, 2024 from

National Archives, retrieved from the world wide web on July 25 2024 from

Time, retrieved from the world wide web on July 25, 2024 from

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  1. Karen on July 27, 2024 at 10:11 pm

    What you described about the private flight during a national crisis is why, in later years, some people questioned if the government knew what was coming ahead of time on 911. But it’s easy to mislead people when an event is so horrific, broadcast nonstop 24/7 and stirs up emotions of fear and anger. Nothing surprises me anymore.

    • the Roaring Ellie on July 27, 2024 at 10:29 pm

      I had coworker/friends overseas at that time who could not come home. I’m outraged that a boy band gets approval over EVERYONE else. Talk about disparate treatment! Thank you for reading and commenting!